Standalone Sentry Email+ Notification Service for MobileIron Cloud

You must configure Standalone Sentry on MobileIron Cloud and key-value pairs of the Email+ application to receive email notifications on the device. The configuration is required for Standalone Sentry to act as a Email+ Notification Service to deliver notifications. This feature is available only when it is used with Email+ 3.13.0.

Before you begin 

  • Ensure that you have MobileIron Cloud 69 and MobileIron Sentry 9.8.5.
  • Ensure that you have the JWT token of CNS production server.
    A token is a randomly generated string from MobileIron, representing an authorization token for the cloud server.
    The term JWT token is also referred as Authorization Token, Token, and notification_server_authorization across MobileIron products.
  • Standalone Sentry must be configured with a publicly trusted certificate.
  • Ensure that the Exchange servers are configured with the service account. The servers must have identity certificate to authenticate the service account.
    For more information on configuring service account on Microsoft Exchange server, see Configuring a service account.
    Also, see Microsoft documentation.
  • If Exchange server version support is earlier than TLS v1.2, then the supported protocols should be configured in Incoming SSL configuration protocols on MICS.


1. On MobileIron Cloud, click Admin
2. Under Infrastructure, click Sentry >
3. Select Email+ Notification Service and click Next.

4. In Global Settings, enter a profile Name and Notification Server Hostname (Sentry hostname).
The port is set at 443.

5. Verify the Sentry Server Configuration and click Next.
NOTE: These fields are at default values. Ensure that the TLS certificate is a third party trusted certificate.

6. Under Services > Manage Services, click Email+ Notification Service.

7. Enter the following details:
  • Notification Server Authorization: The token received after registering for the Cloud Notification Service.
  • Add the Service Account: Click Add to upload the Exchange Service account certificate.
  • Add the Exchange Server: Click Add to add the desired Exchange Server. The port is set at 443.
  • Retain the other fields at default values.

8. On Standalone Sentry, register Sentry to MobileIron Cloud using CLI.
"registration tenantadminuser".
9. Under Sentry Sentry Profiles, click Actions to assign the registered Sentry to the ENS profile created above.

10. On MobileIron Cloud, click Apps > App CatalogAdd to add the Email+ configuration.
Select the appropriate configuration for the Email+ application and under Apps Configurations, enter the following details.

11. Click Done.

Next steps 

You must configure the key-value pairs for Email+ notification services. For more information, see "Additional configurations using key-value pairs" in the MobileIron Email+ Guide.